Jacqueline Pelosi is better known as the daughter of Nancy Pelosi, an American politician serving as Speaker of the United States House of Representatives...
Denver, Colorado - On Monday evening December 27, 2021, a 47-year-old lone gunman Lyndon McLeod "Roman McClay" went on a shooting spree across Denver...
After Rogel Aguilera-Mederos was sentenced to 110 years for a fatal 2019 Colorado crash, his wife Nailan Gonzalez, and extended family rallied to aid...
Raymond van Barneveld is a professional darts player from the Netherlands. He is one of the most successful darts players in history, nicknamed Barney...
Arleen Sorkin was an American actress, screenwriter, presenter, and comedian. She passed away at 67, leaving behind two sons with her husband, acclaimed TV writer...
With the tragic news of Bray Wyatt's untimely passing, attention has turned to his surviving family members, including Wyatt's former wife Samantha Rotunda, and...